Artist and Retired Engineer/Entrepreneur: “After listening to the online samples, we are delighted to have the whole CD! It goes beyond relaxing – the magical sound
patterns seem to resonate with my own tone and expand from there. It fills the house with a good mood!”
Yoga, Meditation, Pilates Practitioner: “This CD is fantastic... I absolutely love it! I’m taking it to my next massage appointment and also to my Pilates/Yoga session. It’s very soothing and calming – enabling me to get a good night’s rest – something that in the best of times is hard for me to come by. Okay, I admit that it’s a little hard to dance to....;-)”
Blood Pressure Reduction: “I turn this on EVERY night before I go to sleep. I spend time listening, visualizing, relaxing. It really is perfect. It really is like going to an upscale sauna/massage institute ... it really grounds me and I KNOW my blood pressure goes down a lot ... I’ve actually taken it before and after listening for a while.”
Kindergarten Teacher: “As a kindergarten teacher, I am always looking for ways to calm and/or focus my class at specific times during the day. The very first time I played inhale slowly was during our ‘Rest Time’, when we enjoyed a rare 30 minutes of sustained, quiet and calm. The children’s wiggles relaxed, and when it was time to transition to our next active period of the day, the children were noticeably more attentive and centered. Not only do the children feel the benefit, but their teacher (me) does as well. Thank you Joe and Tim!”
Musician, Producer: “Really gorgeous. When I travel, I often bring along a Buddha Machine or Eno’s Music for Airports – to provide vital calm wherever I find myself. I think inhale slowly may trump both as my new favorite mechanism for portable peace.”
Yoga Teacher “I have now played inhale slowly through many of my classes and found it a wonderful background accompaniment. I often find it difficult to bring music into a practice as it does become a part of the practice. Yet, I so welcome the addition when there is this clarity of resonance as in inhale slowly. I like to think of the resonance as a state of shakti that opens or is it that our ParaSympathetic nervous system resets? Spiritual or scientific, you have created a beautiful CD to help gather all of our frayed pieces back and feel more whole.”
Yoga, Meditation Practitioner: “inhale slowly is an oasis of sound, the perfect accompaniment to yoga, mediation, or a glass of wine at the end of a long day.”
Blood Pressure Reduction: “Just chilled out to Joe Paulino and Tim White’s inhale slowly. Guaranteed to lower blood pressure by 10 points. (My guarantee, not theirs.) Feeling floaty.”
Gallery Store Owner ”I’ve been playing inhale slowly in Viewpoints since I began carrying it. In two months I’ve sold over 40 copies, and I just ordered 10 more. My customers and I love its calming effect.”
Reflexologist: “inhale slowly is my favourite CD in my collection of relaxation music. It creates a wonderfully peaceful ambiance for my reflexology clients. Using this music in combination with my treatments, I watch as they drift away to a safe place for the duration. When in need of my own chill time, I sit with my feet up and let the music wash over me. I love it all but track 4 is most comforting with its steady “back to the womb” drum beat.”